16 #ifndef WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver_H 17 #define WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver_H 19 #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> 22 #define PERIOD_24HRS_AGO_MILLIS (millis() - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) 72 wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType sensorType) {
73 long sensorPeriod = (long)period * 1000;
76 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE:
79 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_RELATIVE_HUMIDITY:
82 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_PRESSURE:
85 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_CO2:
88 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_ECO2:
91 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_TVOC:
94 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_ALTITUDE:
97 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_OBJECT_TEMPERATURE:
100 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT:
103 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_PM10_STD:
106 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_PM25_STD:
109 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_PM100_STD:
112 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_UNITLESS_PERCENT:
115 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_VOLTAGE:
118 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_CURRENT:
121 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_PROXIMITY:
124 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_RAW:
127 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT:
130 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_OBJECT_TEMPERATURE_FAHRENHEIT:
133 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_GAS_RESISTANCE:
136 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_NOX_INDEX:
139 case wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType_SENSOR_TYPE_VOC_INDEX:
159 while (propertyIdx < msgDeviceInitReq->i2c_device_properties_count) {
161 msgDeviceInitReq->i2c_device_properties[propertyIdx].sensor_period,
162 msgDeviceInitReq->i2c_device_properties[propertyIdx].sensor_type);
553 (void)objectTempEvent;
807 (void)unitlessPercentEvent;
1014 AmbientTempFEvent->temperature =
1015 (AmbientTempFEvent->temperature * 9.0) / 5.0 + 32;
1070 objectTempFEvent->temperature =
1071 (objectTempFEvent->temperature * 9.0) / 5.0 + 32.0;
1303 (void)proximityEvent;
1429 #endif // WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver_H long _unitlessPercentPeriod
The time period between reading the unitless % sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1378
virtual long getSensorUnitlessPercentPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the unitless % sensor was queried l...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:780
virtual long getSensorLightPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the light sensor was queried last...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:578
virtual long getSensorObjectTempPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the object temperature sensor was q...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:526
virtual bool getEventPM10_STD(sensors_event_t *pm10StdEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a object pm10 std. sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI u...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:652
virtual void updateSensorProximity(float period)
Updates the properties of a proximity sensor.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1316
long _PM10SensorPeriod
The time period between reading the pm25 sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1365
uint16_t getI2CAddress()
Gets the I2C device's address.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:173
virtual long getSensorPM25_STDPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the object pm25 standard sensors' period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:668
virtual void setSensorObjectTempFPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the object temperature sensor (°F) was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1050
long _PM100SensorPeriod
The time period between reading the pm100_std sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1373
Used for last sensor read time, initially set 24hrs ago (max period)
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:22
virtual void setSensorVOCIndexPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the object VOC Index sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1210
long _currentPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1390
virtual long getSensorPressurePeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the pressure sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:421
virtual long getSensorTVOCPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the TVOC sensor was queried last...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:285
virtual void setSensorAmbientTempFPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the ambient temperature sensor (°F) was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:994
virtual bool getEventPM100_STD(sensors_event_t *pm100StdEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a object pm100 std. sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI ...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:752
virtual long getSensorCurrentPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the current sensor's period.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:868
virtual long getSensorRelativeHumidityPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the humidity sensor was queried las...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:381
long _altitudeSensorPeriod
The time period between reading the altitude sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1350
virtual long getSensorVOCIndexPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the VOC Index sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1189
virtual long getSensorTVOCPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the TVOC sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:276
virtual void setSensorProximityPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the proximity sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1288
virtual bool getEventCO2(sensors_event_t *co2Event)
Gets a sensor's CO2 value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:215
virtual long getSensorAmbientTempPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the ambient temperature (°C) sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:322
virtual long getSensorPM100_STDPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pm100 std. sensor was queried l...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:728
virtual long getSensorAmbientTempPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the ambient temperature sensor (°C)...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:332
virtual bool getEventPM25_STD(sensors_event_t *pm25StdEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a object pm25 std. sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI u...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:702
virtual bool getEventNOxIndex(sensors_event_t *gasEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a NOx Index sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1173
virtual long getSensorECO2PeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the eCO2 sensor was queried last...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:239
long _currentPeriod
The time period between reading the current sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1388
long _NOxIndexPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1414
long _objectTempSensorPeriod
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1355
long _TVOCSensorPeriod
The time period between reading the TVOC sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1346
long _ambientTempFPeriod
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1397
virtual long getSensorUnitlessPercentPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the object unitless % sensor period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:768
virtual long getSensorCO2Period()
Base implementation - Returns the co2 sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:184
virtual void setSensorTVOCPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the TVOC sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:294
long _VOCIndexPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1419
virtual void setSensorVoltagePeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the voltage sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:839
virtual void setSensorAltitudePeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the Altitude sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:486
virtual bool getEventProximity(sensors_event_t *proximityEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a proximity sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1302
long _tempSensorPeriod
The time period between reading the temperature sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1323
virtual bool getEventRelativeHumidity(sensors_event_t *humidEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a humidity sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:406
virtual void setSensorNOxIndexPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the object NOx Index sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1159
virtual ~WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver()
Destructor for an I2C sensor.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:52
long _unitlessPercentPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1380
virtual long getSensorAmbientTempFPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the ambient temperature sensor (°F)...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:981
long _voltagePeriod
The time period between reading the voltage sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1383
bool begin()
Initializes the I2C sensor and begins I2C.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:60
virtual long getSensorAmbientTempFPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the ambient temperature (°F) sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:971
virtual bool getEventAmbientTempF(sensors_event_t *AmbientTempFEvent)
Helper function to obtain a sensor's ambient temperature value in °F. Requires getEventAmbientTemp() ...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1009
long _TVOCSensorPeriodPrv
The time when the TVOC sensor was last read.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1348
WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver(TwoWire *i2c, uint16_t sensorAddress)
Instanciates an I2C sensor.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:42
virtual void disableAmbientTempF()
Disables the device's ambient temperature (°F) sensor, if it exists.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:961
Base class for I2C Drivers.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:30
virtual bool getEventAltitude(sensors_event_t *altitudeEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a Altitude sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:500
long _pressureSensorPeriod
The time period between reading the pressure sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1333
virtual bool getEventVOCIndex(sensors_event_t *gasEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a VOC Index sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1224
long _objectTempFPeriod
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1402
long _ambientTempFPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1399
long _ECO2SensorPeriodPrv
The time when the eCO2 sensor was last read.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1344
long _gasResistancePeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1409
long _humidSensorPeriod
The time period between reading the humidity sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1328
virtual void setSensorPM100_STDPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:738
virtual long getSensorLightPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the object light sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:568
long _PM100SensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1375
virtual long getSensorRelativeHumidityPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the humidity sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:372
virtual bool getEventUnitlessPercent(sensors_event_t *unitlessPercentEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a object unitless % std. sensor and converts the reading into the expecte...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:806
virtual long getSensorPM25_STDPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pm25 std. sensor was queried la...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:678
virtual bool getEventTVOC(sensors_event_t *tvocEvent)
Gets a sensor's TVOC value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:307
uint16_t _sensorAddress
The I2C driver's unique I2C address.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1322
virtual long getSensorAltitudePeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the Altitude sensor was queried las...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:477
virtual void setSensorECO2PeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the eCO2 sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:248
virtual long getSensorGasResistancePeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the gas resistance sensor (ohms) wa...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1095
long _gasResistancePeriod
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1407
virtual long SensorProximityPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the proximity sensor was queried la...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1278
virtual long getSensorPM100_STDPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the object pm100 standard sensors' period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:718
long _humidSensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1330
virtual long getSensorVoltagePeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the voltage sensor's period.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:821
virtual void setSensorPM10_STDPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:638
long _objectTempSensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1357
virtual long getSensorPM10_STDPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pm10 std. sensor was queried la...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:628
long _objectTempFPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1404
long _lightSensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1362
virtual bool getEventECO2(sensors_event_t *eco2Event)
Gets a sensor's eCO2 value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:261
virtual void setSensorPM25_STDPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:688
void setSensorPeriod(float period, wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType sensorType)
Sets the sensor's period, provided a wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:71
virtual void setSensorObjectTempPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the object temperature sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:538
virtual long getSensorPressurePeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pressure sensor was queried las...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:430
virtual void setSensorPressurePeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the pressure sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:439
virtual void setSensorRelativeHumidityPeriodPrv(long periodPrv)
Sets a timestamp for when the temperature sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:392
virtual bool getEventPressure(sensors_event_t *pressureEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a pressure sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:453
virtual long getSensorCurrentPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the current sensor was queried last...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:877
virtual long getSensorGasResistancePeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the gas resistance (ohms) sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1085
virtual long getSensorAltitudePeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the Altitude sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:468
virtual bool getEventLight(sensors_event_t *lightEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a object light sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:602
long _VOCIndexPeriod
The time period between reading the VOC Index sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1417
virtual bool getEventGasResistance(sensors_event_t *gasEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a gas resistance sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI uni...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1122
virtual bool getEventAmbientTemp(sensors_event_t *tempEvent)
Base implementation - Reads an ambient temperature sensor (°C). Expects value to return in the proper...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:357
virtual long getSensorObjectTempFPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the object temperature (°F) sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1029
long _CO2SensorPeriodPrv
The time when the CO2 sensor was last read.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1340
long _lightSensorPeriod
The time period between reading the light sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1360
void configureDriver(wippersnapper_i2c_v1_I2CDeviceInitRequest *msgDeviceInitReq)
Uses an I2CDeviceInitRequest message to configure the sensors belonging to the driver.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:156
virtual void enableSensorProximity()
Enables the device's proximity sensor, if it exists.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1237
virtual long getSensorNOxIndexPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the NOx Index sensor was queried la...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1148
virtual void setSensorUnitlessPercentPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the unitless % sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:792
virtual void setSensorCO2PeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the co2 sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:202
virtual long getSensorRawPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the raw sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:915
virtual void setSensorRawPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the raw sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:933
virtual long getSensorObjectTempPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the object temperature sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:516
virtual void setSensorAmbientTempPeriodPrv(long periodPrv)
Sets a timestamp for when the ambient temperature sensor (°C) was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:343
long _voltagePeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1385
long _rawSensorPeriod
The time period between reading the Raw sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1393
virtual long getSensorCO2PeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the co2 sensor was queried last...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:193
virtual long getSensorECO2Period()
Base implementation - Returns the eCO2 sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:230
virtual void disableSensorProximity()
Disables the device's object proximity sensor, if it exists.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1244
virtual bool getEventObjectTempF(sensors_event_t *objectTempFEvent)
Helper function to obtain a sensor's object temperature value in °F. Requires getEventObjectTemp() to...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1065
long _rawSensorPeriodPrv
The time when the Raw sensor was last read.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1395
long _PM25SensorPeriod
The time period between reading the pm25 sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1369
long _tempSensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1325
long _PM10SensorPeriodPrv
The time when the pm25 sensor was last read.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1367
long _CO2SensorPeriod
The time period between reading the CO2 sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1338
virtual long getSensorPM10_STDPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the object pm10 standard sensors' period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:618
virtual long getSensorObjectTempFPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the object temperature sensor (°F) ...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1039
long _proximitySensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1424
virtual bool getEventObjectTemp(sensors_event_t *objectTempEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a object temperature sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:552
virtual long getSensorVoltagePeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the voltage sensor was queried last...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:830
long _ECO2SensorPeriod
The time period between reading the eCO2 sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1342
long _proximitySensorPeriod
The time period between reading the proximity sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1422
virtual long getSensorRawPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the raw sensor was queried last...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:924
virtual void setSensorCurrentPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the current sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:886
long _PM25SensorPeriodPrv
The time when the pm25 sensor was last read.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1371
virtual bool getEventRaw(sensors_event_t *rawEvent)
Gets a sensor's Raw value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:946
virtual long sensorProximityPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the proximity sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1254
virtual bool getEventCurrent(sensors_event_t *currentEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a current sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:900
virtual void setSensorGasResistancePeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the object gas resistance sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1108
long _altitudeSensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1352
virtual long getSensorVOCIndexPeriodPrv()
Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the VOC Index sensor was queried la...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1199
long _NOxIndexPeriod
The time period between reading the NOx Index sensor's value.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1412
virtual bool getEventVoltage(sensors_event_t *voltageEvent)
Base implementation - Reads a voltage sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit...
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:853
TwoWire * _i2c
Pointer to the I2C driver's Wire object.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1321
long _pressureSensorPeriodPrv
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1335
virtual long getSensorNOxIndexPeriod()
Base implementation - Returns the NOx Index sensor's period, if set.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1138
virtual void setSensorLightPeriodPrv(long period)
Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:588
virtual void setSensorProximityPeriod(long period)
Set the proximity sensor's return frequency.
Definition: WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver.h:1264