Adafruit Library
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_CPlay_Sensor.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | Adafruit_CPlay_LIS3DH |
Class that stores state and functions for interacting with Adafruit_LIS3DH. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | lis3dh_range_t { LIS3DH_RANGE_16_G = 0b11, LIS3DH_RANGE_8_G = 0b10, LIS3DH_RANGE_4_G = 0b01, LIS3DH_RANGE_2_G = 0b00 } |
enum | lis3dh_axis_t { LIS3DH_AXIS_X = 0x0, LIS3DH_AXIS_Y = 0x1, LIS3DH_AXIS_Z = 0x2 } |
enum | lis3dh_dataRate_t { LIS3DH_DATARATE_400_HZ = 0b0111, LIS3DH_DATARATE_200_HZ = 0b0110, LIS3DH_DATARATE_100_HZ = 0b0101, LIS3DH_DATARATE_50_HZ = 0b0100, LIS3DH_DATARATE_25_HZ = 0b0011, LIS3DH_DATARATE_10_HZ = 0b0010, LIS3DH_DATARATE_1_HZ = 0b0001, LIS3DH_DATARATE_POWERDOWN = 0, LIS3DH_DATARATE_LOWPOWER_1K6HZ = 0b1000, LIS3DH_DATARATE_LOWPOWER_5KHZ = 0b1001 } |
This is a library for the Adafruit LIS3DH Accel breakout board
Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit LIS3DH Triple-Axis Accelerometer (+-2g/4g/8g/16g)
Pick one up today in the adafruit shop! ---—>
This sensor communicates over I2C or SPI (our library code supports both) so you can share it with a bunch of other sensors on the same I2C bus. There's an address selection pin so you can have two accelerometers share an I2C bus.
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit andopen-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!
K. Townsend / Limor Fried (Ladyada) - (Adafruit Industries).
BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
#define LIS3DH_DEFAULT_ADDRESS (0x18) |
#define LIS3DH_REG_STATUS1 0x07 |
STATUS_REG_AUX register 321OR 1, 2 and 3 axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new set of data has overwritten the previous ones) 3OR 3 axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new data for the 3-axis has overwritten the previous one) 2OR 2 axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new data for the 4-axis has overwritten the previous one) 1OR 1 axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new data for the 1-axis has overwritten the previous one) 321DA 1, 2 and 3 axis new data available. Default value: 0 (0: a new set of data is not yet available; 1: a new set of data is available) 3DA: 3 axis new data available. Default value: 0 (0: a new data for the 3-axis is not yet available; 1: a new data for the 3-axis is available) 2DA: 2 axis new data available. Default value: 0 (0: a new data for the 2-axis is not yet available; 1: a new data for the 2-axis is available) 1DA 1 axis new data available. Default value: 0 (0: a new data for the 1-axis is not yet available; 1: a new data for the 1-axis is available)
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUTADC1_L 0x08 |
1-axis acceleration data. Low value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUTADC1_H 0x09 |
1-axis acceleration data. High value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUTADC2_L 0x0A |
2-axis acceleration data. Low value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUTADC2_H 0x0B |
2-axis acceleration data. High value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUTADC3_L 0x0C |
3-axis acceleration data. Low value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUTADC3_H 0x0D |
3-axis acceleration data. High value
#define LIS3DH_REG_INTCOUNT 0x0E |
INT_COUNTER register [IC7, IC6, IC5, IC4, IC3, IC2, IC1, IC0]
#define LIS3DH_REG_WHOAMI 0x0F |
Device identification register. [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
#define LIS3DH_REG_TEMPCFG 0x1F |
TEMP_CFG_REG Temperature configuration register. ADC_PD ADC enable. Default value: 0 (0: ADC disabled; 1: ADC enabled) TEMP_EN Temperature sensor (T) enable. Default value: 0 (0: T disabled; 1: T enabled)
#define LIS3DH_REG_CTRL1 0x20 |
CTRL_REG1 [ODR3, ODR2, ODR1, ODR0, LPen, Zen, Yen, Xen] ODR3-0 Data rate selection. Default value: 00 (0000:50 Hz; Others: Refer to Datasheet Table 26, “Data rate configuration”) LPen Low power mode enable. Default value: 0 (0: normal mode, 1: low power mode) Zen Z axis enable. Default value: 1 (0: Z axis disabled; 1: Z axis enabled) Yen Y axis enable. Default value: 1 (0: Y axis disabled; 1: Y axis enabled) Xen X axis enable. Default value: 1 (0: X axis disabled; 1: X axis enabled)
#define LIS3DH_REG_CTRL2 0x21 |
CTRL_REG2 [HPM1, HPM0, HPCF2, HPCF1, FDS, HPCLICK, HPIS2, HPIS1] HPM1-0 High pass filter mode selection. Default value: 00 Refer to Table 29, "High pass filter mode configuration" HPCF2-1 High pass filter cut off frequency selection FDS Filtered data selection. Default value: 0 (0: internal filter bypassed; 1: data from internal filter sent to output register and FIFO) HPCLICK High pass filter enabled for CLICK function. (0: filter bypassed; 1: filter enabled) HPIS2 X axis enable. Default value: 1 (0: X axis disabled; 1: X axis enabled) HPIS1 High pass filter enabled for AOI function on interrupt 1, (0: filter bypassed; 1: filter enabled)
#define LIS3DH_REG_CTRL3 0x22 |
CTRL_REG3 [I1_CLICK, I1_AOI1, I1_AOI2, I1_DRDY1, I1_DRDY2, I1_WTM, I1_OVERRUN, –] I1_CLICK CLICK interrupt on INT1. Default value 0. (0: Disable; 1: Enable) I1_AOI1 AOI1 interrupt on INT1. Default value 0. (0: Disable; 1: Enable) I1_AOI2 AOI2 interrupt on INT1. Default value 0. (0: Disable; 1: Enable) I1_DRDY1 DRDY1 interrupt on INT1. Default value 0. (0: Disable; 1: Enable) I1_DRDY2 DRDY2 interrupt on INT1. Default value 0. (0: Disable; 1: Enable) I1_WTM FIFO Watermark interrupt on INT1. Default value 0. (0: Disable; 1: Enable) I1_OVERRUN FIFO Overrun interrupt on INT1. Default value 0. (0: Disable; 1: Enable)
#define LIS3DH_REG_CTRL4 0x23 |
CTRL_REG4 [BDU, BLE, FS1, FS0, HR, ST1, ST0, SIM] BDU Block data update. Default value: 0 (0: continuos update; 1: output registers not updated until MSB and LSB reading) BLE Big/little endian data selection. Default value 0. (0: Data LSB @ lower address; 1: Data MSB @ lower address) FS1-FS0 Full scale selection. default value: 00 (00: +/- 2G; 01: +/- 4G; 10: +/- 8G; 11: +/- 16G) HR High resolution output mode: Default value: 0 (0: High resolution disable; 1: High resolution Enable) ST1-ST0 Self test enable. Default value: 00 (00: Self test disabled; Other: See Table 34) SIM SPI serial interface mode selection. Default value: 0 (0: 4-wire interface; 1: 3-wire interface).
#define LIS3DH_REG_CTRL5 0x24 |
CTRL_REG5 [BOOT, FIFO_EN, –, –, LIR_INT1, D4D_INT1, 0, 0] BOOT Reboot memory content. Default value: 0 (0: normal mode; 1: reboot memory content) FIFO_EN FIFO enable. Default value: 0 (0: FIFO disable; 1: FIFO Enable) LIR_INT1 Latch interrupt request on INT1_SRC register, with INT1_SRC register cleared by reading INT1_SRC itself. Default value: 0. (0: interrupt request not latched; 1: interrupt request latched) D4D_INT1 4D enable: 4D detection is enabled on INT1 when 6D bit on INT1_CFG is set to 1.
#define LIS3DH_REG_CTRL6 0x25 |
CTRL_REG6 [I2_CLICKen, I2_INT1, 0, BOOT_I1, 0, –, H_L, -]
#define LIS3DH_REG_REFERENCE 0x26 |
#define LIS3DH_REG_STATUS2 0x27 |
STATUS_REG [ZYXOR, ZOR, YOR, XOR, ZYXDA, ZDA, YDA, XDA] ZYXOR X, Y and Z axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new set of data has overwritten the previous ones) ZOR Z axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new data for the Z-axis has overwritten the previous one) YOR Y axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new data for the Y-axis has overwritten the previous one) XOR X axis data overrun. Default value: 0 (0: no overrun has occurred; 1: a new data for the X-axis has overwritten the previous one) ZYXDA X, Y and Z axis new data available. Default value: 0 (0: a new set of data is not yet available; 1: a new set of data is available) ZDA Z axis new data available. Default value: 0 (0: a new data for the Z-axis is not yet available; 1: a new data for the Z-axis is available) YDA Y axis new data available. Default value: 0 (0: a new data for the Y-axis is not yet available; 1: a new data for the Y-axis is available)
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUT_X_L 0x28 |
X-axis acceleration data. Low value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUT_X_H 0x29 |
X-axis acceleration data. High value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUT_Y_L 0x2A |
Y-axis acceleration data. Low value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUT_Y_H 0x2B |
Y-axis acceleration data. High value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUT_Z_L 0x2C |
Z-axis acceleration data. Low value
#define LIS3DH_REG_OUT_Z_H 0x2D |
Z-axis acceleration data. High value
#define LIS3DH_REG_FIFOCTRL 0x2E |
FIFO_CTRL_REG [FM1, FM0, TR, FTH4, FTH3, FTH2, FTH1, FTH0] FM1-FM0 FIFO mode selection. Default value: 00 (see Table 44) TR Trigger selection. Default value: 0 0: Trigger event liked to trigger signal on INT1 1: Trigger event liked to trigger signal on INT2 FTH4:0 Default value: 0
#define LIS3DH_REG_FIFOSRC 0x2F |
#define LIS3DH_REG_INT1CFG 0x30 |
INT1_CFG [AOI, 6D, ZHIE/ZUPE, ZLIE/ZDOWNE, YHIE/YUPE, XHIE/XUPE, XLIE/XDOWNE] AOI And/Or combination of Interrupt events. Default value: 0. Refer to Datasheet Table 48, "Interrupt mode" 6D 6 direction detection function enabled. Default value: 0. Refer to Datasheet Table 48, "Interrupt mode" ZHIE/ZUPE Enable interrupt generation on Z high event or on Direction recognition. Default value: 0. (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request) ZLIE/ZDOWNE Enable interrupt generation on Z low event or on Direction recognition. Default value: 0. YHIE/YUPE Enable interrupt generation on Y high event or on Direction recognition. Default value: 0. (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request.) YLIE/YDOWNE Enable interrupt generation on Y low event or on Direction recognition. Default value: 0. (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request.) XHIE/XUPE Enable interrupt generation on X high event or on Direction recognition. Default value: 0. (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request.) XLIE/XDOWNE Enable interrupt generation on X low event or on Direction recognition. Default value: 0. (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request.)
#define LIS3DH_REG_INT1SRC 0x31 |
INT1_SRC [0, IA, ZH, ZL, YH, YL, XH, XL] IA Interrupt active. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt has been generated; 1: one or more interrupts have been generated) ZH Z high. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: Z High event has occurred) ZL Z low. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt; 1: Z Low event has occurred) YH Y high. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: Y High event has occurred) YL Y low. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: Y Low event has occurred) XH X high. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: X High event has occurred) XL X low. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: X Low event has occurred)
Interrupt 1 source register. Read only register. Reading at this address clears INT1_SRC IA bit (and the interrupt signal on INT 1 pin) and allows the refreshment of data in the INT1_SRC register if the latched option was chosen.
#define LIS3DH_REG_INT1THS 0x32 |
INT1_THS register [0, THS6, THS5, THS4, THS3, THS1, THS0]
#define LIS3DH_REG_INT1DUR 0x33 |
INT1_DURATION [0, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1, D0]
#define LIS3DH_REG_CLICKCFG 0x38 |
CLICK_CFG [–, –, ZD, ZS, YD, YS, XD, XS] ZD Enable interrupt double CLICK-CLICK on Z axis. Default value: 0 (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold) ZS Enable interrupt single CLICK-CLICK on Z axis. Default value: 0 (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold) YD Enable interrupt double CLICK-CLICK on Y axis. Default value: 0 (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold) YS Enable interrupt single CLICK-CLICK on Y axis. Default value: 0 (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold) XD Enable interrupt double CLICK-CLICK on X axis. Default value: 0 (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold) XS Enable interrupt single CLICK-CLICK on X axis. Default value: 0 (0: disable interrupt request; 1: enable interrupt request on measured accel. value higher than preset threshold)
#define LIS3DH_REG_CLICKSRC 0x39 |
CLICK_SRC [-, IA, DCLICK, SCLICK, Sign, Z, Y, X] IA Interrupt active. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt has been generated; 1: one or more interrupts have been generated) DCLICK Double CLICK-CLICK enable. Default value: 0 (0:double CLICK-CLICK detection disable, 1: double CLICK-CLICK detection enable) SCLICK Single CLICK-CLICK enable. Default value: 0 (0:Single CLICK-CLICK detection disable, 1: single CLICK-CLICK detection enable) Sign CLICK-CLICK Sign. (0: positive detection, 1: negative detection) Z Z CLICK-CLICK detection. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: Z High event has occurred) Y Y CLICK-CLICK detection. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: Y High event has occurred) X X CLICK-CLICK detection. Default value: 0 (0: no interrupt, 1: X High event has occurred)
#define LIS3DH_REG_CLICKTHS 0x3A |
CLICK_THS [-, Ths6, Ths5, Ths4, Ths3, Ths2, Ths1, Ths0] Ths6-Ths0 CLICK-CLICK threshold. Default value: 000 0000
TIME_LIMIT [-, TLI6, TLI5, TLI4, TLI3, TLI2, TLI1, TLI0] TLI7-TLI0 CLICK-CLICK Time Limit. Default value: 000 0000
TIME_LATANCY [-, TLA6, TLIA5, TLA4, TLA3, TLA2, TLA1, TLA0] TLA7-TLA0 CLICK-CLICK Time Latency. Default value: 000 0000
TIME_WINDOW [TW7, TW6, TW5, TW4, TW3, TW2, TW1, TW0] TW7-TW0 CLICK-CLICK Time window
enum lis3dh_range_t |
A structure to represent scales
enum lis3dh_axis_t |
A structure to represent axes
enum lis3dh_dataRate_t |
Used with register 0x2A (LIS3DH_REG_CTRL_REG1) to set bandwidth