Adafruit WaveHC Arduino Library
Classes | Macros
WaveHC.h File Reference
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <FatReader.h>

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class  WaveHC
 Wave file player. More...


#define DVOLUME   0
#define RATE_ERROR_LEVEL   2
#define PLAYBUFFLEN   512UL
#define MAX_BYTE_RATE   88200
#define MAX_CLOCK_RATE   44100

Detailed Description

This library is a highly modified version of Ladyada's Wave Shield library. I have made many changes that may have introduced bugs.

Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!

BSD license, all text here must be included in any redistribution.

WaveHC class

Macro Definition Documentation



If nonzero, optimize the player for contiguous files. It takes longer to open a file but can play contiguous files at higher rates. Disable if you need minimum latency for open. Also see open by index.


#define DVOLUME   0

Software volume control should be compatible with Ladyada's library. Uses shift to decrease volume by 6 dB per step. See DAC ISR in WaveHC.cpp. Must be set after call to WaveHC::create(). Decreases MAX_CLOCK_RATE to 22050.


#define RATE_ERROR_LEVEL   2

Set behavior for files that exceed MAX_CLOCK_RATE or MAX_BYTE_RATE. If RATE_ERROR_LEVEL = 2, rate too high errors are fatal. If RATE_ERROR_LEVEL = 1, rate too high errors are warnings. If RATE_ERROR_LEVEL = 0, rate too high errors are ignored.


#define PLAYBUFFLEN   512UL

Buffer length for Arduinos other than 168.


#define MAX_BYTE_RATE   88200

Maximum SD read rate for 512 byte buffer and contiguous file


#define MAX_CLOCK_RATE   44100

maximum DAC clock rate