| WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver_MAX17048 (TwoWire *i2c, uint16_t sensorAddress) |
| Constructor for a MAX17048 sensor. More...
| ~WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver_MAX17048 () |
| Destructor for an MAX17048 sensor.
bool | begin () |
| Initializes the MAX17048 sensor and begins I2C. More...
bool | getEventVoltage (sensors_event_t *voltageEvent) |
| Reads a voltage sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
bool | getEventUnitlessPercent (sensors_event_t *unitlessPercentEvent) |
| Reads a sensor's unitless % reading and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
| WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver (TwoWire *i2c, uint16_t sensorAddress) |
| Instanciates an I2C sensor. More...
virtual | ~WipperSnapper_I2C_Driver () |
| Destructor for an I2C sensor.
bool | begin () |
| Initializes the I2C sensor and begins I2C. More...
void | setSensorPeriod (float period, wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType sensorType) |
| Sets the sensor's period, provided a wippersnapper_i2c_v1_SensorType. More...
void | configureDriver (wippersnapper_i2c_v1_I2CDeviceInitRequest *msgDeviceInitReq) |
| Uses an I2CDeviceInitRequest message to configure the sensors belonging to the driver. More...
uint16_t | getI2CAddress () |
| Gets the I2C device's address. More...
virtual long | getSensorCO2Period () |
| Base implementation - Returns the co2 sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorCO2PeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the co2 sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorCO2PeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the co2 sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventCO2 (sensors_event_t *co2Event) |
| Gets a sensor's CO2 value. More...
virtual long | getSensorECO2Period () |
| Base implementation - Returns the eCO2 sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorECO2PeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the eCO2 sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorECO2PeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the eCO2 sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventECO2 (sensors_event_t *eco2Event) |
| Gets a sensor's eCO2 value. More...
virtual long | getSensorTVOCPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the TVOC sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorTVOCPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the TVOC sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorTVOCPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the TVOC sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventTVOC (sensors_event_t *tvocEvent) |
| Gets a sensor's TVOC value. More...
virtual long | getSensorAmbientTempPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the ambient temperature (°C) sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorAmbientTempPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the ambient temperature sensor (°C) was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorAmbientTempPeriodPrv (long periodPrv) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the ambient temperature sensor (°C) was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventAmbientTemp (sensors_event_t *tempEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads an ambient temperature sensor (°C). Expects value to return in the proper SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorRelativeHumidityPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the humidity sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorRelativeHumidityPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the humidity sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorRelativeHumidityPeriodPrv (long periodPrv) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the temperature sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventRelativeHumidity (sensors_event_t *humidEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a humidity sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorPressurePeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the pressure sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorPressurePeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pressure sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorPressurePeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the pressure sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventPressure (sensors_event_t *pressureEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a pressure sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorAltitudePeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the Altitude sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorAltitudePeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the Altitude sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorAltitudePeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the Altitude sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventAltitude (sensors_event_t *altitudeEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a Altitude sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorObjectTempPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the object temperature sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorObjectTempPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the object temperature sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorObjectTempPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the object temperature sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventObjectTemp (sensors_event_t *objectTempEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a object temperature sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorLightPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the object light sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorLightPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the light sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorLightPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventLight (sensors_event_t *lightEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a object light sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorPM10_STDPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the object pm10 standard sensors' period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorPM10_STDPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pm10 std. sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorPM10_STDPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventPM10_STD (sensors_event_t *pm10StdEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a object pm10 std. sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorPM25_STDPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the object pm25 standard sensors' period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorPM25_STDPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pm25 std. sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorPM25_STDPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventPM25_STD (sensors_event_t *pm25StdEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a object pm25 std. sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorPM100_STDPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the object pm100 standard sensors' period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorPM100_STDPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the pm100 std. sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorPM100_STDPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the light sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventPM100_STD (sensors_event_t *pm100StdEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a object pm100 std. sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorUnitlessPercentPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the object unitless % sensor period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorUnitlessPercentPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the unitless % sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorUnitlessPercentPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the unitless % sensor was queried. More...
virtual long | getSensorVoltagePeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the voltage sensor's period. More...
virtual long | getSensorVoltagePeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the voltage sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorVoltagePeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the voltage sensor was queried. More...
virtual long | getSensorCurrentPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the current sensor's period. More...
virtual long | getSensorCurrentPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the current sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorCurrentPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the current sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventCurrent (sensors_event_t *currentEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a current sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorRawPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the raw sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorRawPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the raw sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorRawPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the raw sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventRaw (sensors_event_t *rawEvent) |
| Gets a sensor's Raw value. More...
virtual void | disableAmbientTempF () |
| Disables the device's ambient temperature (°F) sensor, if it exists.
virtual long | getSensorAmbientTempFPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the ambient temperature (°F) sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorAmbientTempFPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the ambient temperature sensor (°F) was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorAmbientTempFPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the ambient temperature sensor (°F) was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventAmbientTempF (sensors_event_t *AmbientTempFEvent) |
| Helper function to obtain a sensor's ambient temperature value in °F. Requires getEventAmbientTemp() to be fully implemented by a driver. More...
virtual long | getSensorObjectTempFPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the object temperature (°F) sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorObjectTempFPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the object temperature sensor (°F) was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorObjectTempFPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the object temperature sensor (°F) was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventObjectTempF (sensors_event_t *objectTempFEvent) |
| Helper function to obtain a sensor's object temperature value in °F. Requires getEventObjectTemp() to be fully implemented by a driver. More...
virtual long | getSensorGasResistancePeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the gas resistance (ohms) sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorGasResistancePeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the gas resistance sensor (ohms) was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorGasResistancePeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the object gas resistance sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventGasResistance (sensors_event_t *gasEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a gas resistance sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorNOxIndexPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the NOx Index sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorNOxIndexPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the NOx Index sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorNOxIndexPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the object NOx Index sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventNOxIndex (sensors_event_t *gasEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a NOx Index sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual long | getSensorVOCIndexPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the VOC Index sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual long | getSensorVOCIndexPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the VOC Index sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorVOCIndexPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the object VOC Index sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventVOCIndex (sensors_event_t *gasEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a VOC Index sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual void | enableSensorProximity () |
| Enables the device's proximity sensor, if it exists.
virtual void | disableSensorProximity () |
| Disables the device's object proximity sensor, if it exists.
virtual long | sensorProximityPeriod () |
| Base implementation - Returns the proximity sensor's period, if set. More...
virtual void | setSensorProximityPeriod (long period) |
| Set the proximity sensor's return frequency. More...
virtual long | SensorProximityPeriodPrv () |
| Base implementation - Returns the previous time interval at which the proximity sensor was queried last. More...
virtual void | setSensorProximityPeriodPrv (long period) |
| Sets a timestamp for when the proximity sensor was queried. More...
virtual bool | getEventProximity (sensors_event_t *proximityEvent) |
| Base implementation - Reads a proximity sensor and converts the reading into the expected SI unit. More...
virtual void | updateSensorProximity (float period) |
| Updates the properties of a proximity sensor. More...