Adafruit Library
Public Attributes | List of all members
strand_s Struct Reference

#include <ws_pixels.h>

Public Attributes

Adafruit_NeoPixel * neoPixelPtr
 Ptr to a NeoPixel object.
Adafruit_DotStar * dotStarPtr
 Ptr to a DotStar object.
wippersnapper_pixels_v1_PixelsType type
 Type of strand (DotStar, NeoPixel)
uint8_t brightness
 Strand brightness (0 to 255)
uint16_t numPixels
 Number of pixels on strand.
wippersnapper_pixels_v1_PixelsOrder ordering
 Color order of strand.
int16_t pinNeoPixel
 NeoPixel strand data pin.
int16_t pinDotStarData
 DotStar strand data pin.
int16_t pinDotStarClock
 DotStar strand clock pin.

Detailed Description

Object representation of a strand of pixels

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: