Adafruit Library
Classes | Variables
ws_ledc.h File Reference
#include "Wippersnapper.h"
#include "esp32-hal-ledc.h"
#include "esp_err.h"

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class  ws_ledc
 High-level interface for the ESP32/ESP32-Sx/ESP32-Cx LED Control (LEDC) peripheral. Instead of specifying a timer or channel, this class automatically allocates a channel and associates it with a pin. Underlying esp32-hal-ledc performs timer management and handles the low-level LEDC peripheral API calls. More...


Wippersnapper WS

Detailed Description

High-level interface for ESP32's LED Control (LEDC) peripheral, to be used by PWM and Servo drivers.

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Copyright (c) Brent Rubell 2022-2023 for Adafruit Industries.

BSD license, all text here must be included in any redistribution.

Variable Documentation

◆ WS

Wippersnapper variable.