Class that stores state and functions for interacting with the LSM6DSOX I2C Digital Potentiometer.
| Adafruit_LSM6DSOX () |
| Instantiates a new LSM6DSOX class.
void | enableI2CMasterPullups (bool enable_pullups) |
| Enables and disables the I2C master bus pulllups. More...
void | disableSPIMasterPullups (bool disable_pullups) |
| Disables and enables the SPI master bus pulllups. More...
| Adafruit_LSM6DS () |
| Instantiates a new LSM6DS class.
virtual | ~Adafruit_LSM6DS () |
| Cleans up the LSM6DS.
bool | begin_I2C (uint8_t i2c_addr=LSM6DS_I2CADDR_DEFAULT, TwoWire *wire=&Wire, int32_t sensorID=0) |
| Sets up the hardware and initializes I2C. More...
bool | begin_SPI (uint8_t cs_pin, SPIClass *theSPI=&SPI, int32_t sensorID=0, uint32_t frequency=1000000) |
| Sets up the hardware and initializes hardware SPI. More...
bool | begin_SPI (int8_t cs_pin, int8_t sck_pin, int8_t miso_pin, int8_t mosi_pin, int32_t sensorID=0, uint32_t frequency=1000000) |
| Sets up the hardware and initializes software SPI. More...
bool | getEvent (sensors_event_t *accel, sensors_event_t *gyro, sensors_event_t *temp) |
| Gets the most recent sensor event, Adafruit Unified Sensor format. More...
lsm6ds_data_rate_t | getAccelDataRate (void) |
| Gets the accelerometer data rate. More...
void | setAccelDataRate (lsm6ds_data_rate_t data_rate) |
| Sets the accelerometer data rate. More...
lsm6ds_accel_range_t | getAccelRange (void) |
| Gets the accelerometer measurement range. More...
void | setAccelRange (lsm6ds_accel_range_t new_range) |
| Sets the accelerometer measurement range. More...
lsm6ds_data_rate_t | getGyroDataRate (void) |
| Gets the gyro data rate. More...
void | setGyroDataRate (lsm6ds_data_rate_t data_rate) |
| Sets the gyro data rate. More...
lsm6ds_gyro_range_t | getGyroRange (void) |
| Gets the gyro range. More...
void | setGyroRange (lsm6ds_gyro_range_t new_range) |
| Sets the gyro range. More...
void | reset (void) |
| Resets the sensor to its power-on state, clearing all registers and memory.
void | configIntOutputs (bool active_low, bool open_drain) |
| Sets the INT1 and INT2 pin activation mode. More...
void | configInt1 (bool drdy_temp, bool drdy_g, bool drdy_xl, bool step_detect=false, bool wakeup=false) |
| Enables and disables the data ready interrupt on INT 1. More...
void | configInt2 (bool drdy_temp, bool drdy_g, bool drdy_xl) |
| Enables and disables the data ready interrupt on INT 2. More...
void | highPassFilter (bool enabled, lsm6ds_hp_filter_t filter) |
| Enables the high pass filter and/or slope filter. More...
void | enableWakeup (bool enable, uint8_t duration=0, uint8_t thresh=20) |
| Enables and disables the wakeup function. More...
bool | awake (void) |
| Checks interrupt register to see if we have a wake signal. More...
bool | shake (void) |
| Simple shake detection. Must call enableWakeup() first. More...
void | enablePedometer (bool enable) |
| Enables and disables the pedometer function. More...
void | resetPedometer (void) |
| Reset the pedometer count.
uint16_t | readPedometer (void) |
| Read the 16-bit pedometer count. More...
int | readAcceleration (float &x, float &y, float &z) |
| Read accelerometer data. More...
float | accelerationSampleRate (void) |
| Gets the accelerometer data rate. More...
int | accelerationAvailable (void) |
| Check for available data from accelerometer. More...
int | readGyroscope (float &x, float &y, float &z) |
| Read gyroscope data. More...
float | gyroscopeSampleRate (void) |
| Get the gyroscope data rate. More...
int | gyroscopeAvailable (void) |
| Check for available data from gyroscope. More...
Adafruit_Sensor * | getTemperatureSensor (void) |
| Gets an Adafruit Unified Sensor object for the temp sensor component. More...
Adafruit_Sensor * | getAccelerometerSensor (void) |
| Gets an Adafruit Unified Sensor object for the accelerometer sensor component. More...
Adafruit_Sensor * | getGyroSensor (void) |
| Gets an Adafruit Unified Sensor object for the gyro sensor component. More...
Class that stores state and functions for interacting with the LSM6DSOX I2C Digital Potentiometer.