Adafruit Library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAdafruit_MultiNeoKey1x4Class that stores state and functions for interacting with multiple neotrellis boards
 CAdafruit_MultiTrellisClass that stores state and functions for interacting with multiple neotrellis boards
 CAdafruit_seesawClass that stores state and functions for interacting with seesaw helper IC
 CAdafruit_CrickitClass that stores state and functions for interacting with Crickit variant of seesaw helper IC
 CAdafruit_miniTFTWingClass that stores state and functions for interacting with mini tft wing variant of seesaw helper IC
 CAdafruit_NeoKey_1x4Class that stores state and functions for interacting with the seesaw NeoKey module
 CAdafruit_NeoTrellisClass that stores state and functions for interacting with the seesaw keypad module
 CAdafruit_TFTShield18Class that stores state and functions for interacting with 1.8" tft shield variant of seesaw helper IC
 Cseesaw_Audio_SpectrumClass that stores state and functions for seesaw audio spectrum interface
 Cseesaw_MotorClass that stores state and functions for seesaw motor interface
 Cseesaw_ServoClass that stores state and functions for seesaw servo interface